Urology Austin

Urology Austin physicians develop a treatment plan based on several factors.

treating testicular cancerTreating testicular cancer is generally determined by the stage of the cancer, the patient’s current medical condition, their medical history, whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastasized), and how far it has spread. With this information, Urology Austin physicians can recommend the most effective treatment option.

Stages of testicular cancer

Staging is a very important step for treating testicular cancer. Staging helps the urologist determine the best type of treatment for the patient. Stage classifications are as follows:

  • Stage 1—Cancer can only be found in a testicle.
  • Stage 2—Cancer has spread into lymph nodes located in the abdomen.
  • Stage 3—Cancer has metastasized to parts of the body including lymph nodes, the liver, and the lungs.

Treating testicular cancer

When Urology Austin physicians have staged a patient’s cancer, and evaluated their medical history, they will develop a treatment plan that will meet the unique needs of each patient. There are four standard treatments or combination of treatments used to address testicular cancer.

Surgery for testicular cancer

Typically, the first form of treatment is to surgically remove the testicle containing cancer. In most cases, the testicle will be removed regardless of its stage. If the cancer is designated as Stage 1, removal of the testicle may be the only treatment necessary. However, the physician will continue to monitor the patient with imaging and blood tests. If the patient is Stage 2 or 3, they may require additional treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy, along with surgical removal of some lymph nodes. Laparoscopy may be an option for lymph node removal.

Radiation for testicular cancer

If testicular cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, the urologists may recommend radiation therapy, usually following surgery. Radiation is primarily performed to eradicate any cancer cells that have spread to the lymph nodes.

Chemotherapy for testicular cancer

Another method used to kill cancer cells is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy may be recommended for patients with Stage 2 or 3 cancer to destroy cancerous cells in lymph nodes or when cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant

When testicular cancer reoccurs after standard chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy, accompanied by a stem cell transplant may be necessary. However, this treatment isn’t required in most cases of testicular cancer.

Our urologists have the expertise and training for diagnosing and treating testicular cancer. If you are concerned about a lump or mass found during self-examination, or if you have already been diagnosed with testicular cancer, contact our office to make an appointment with one of our urologists.

Related links

Urology Care Foundation – Stages of testicular cancer