Urology Austin

Knowing Your Body: Hematuria

When we don’t know our bodies, it can get pretty scary when things go wrong. Of course, now the internet is around to research symptoms, but that doesn’t always lead to exactly what the problem is. Some issues have to be addressed by professionals, and one example is Hematuria. More commonly referred to as blood in the urine,

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Hematuria Urology Update

When the GP says Hematuria

Like the good husband he was, Ron dragged himself to his annual doctor’s appointment, completed the forms, answered the questions and peed in the cup. But something proved little different this year. This year, beyond the usual “eat healthy and exercise more” that he kept meaning to do, the doctor reviewed the results of his pee-in-a-cup exam,

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Hematuria Urology Update

What causes pink or red urine?

We’re all familiar with what urine should look like. We also know that the typical yellow color can vary. Urine may be different depending on the time of day, our activities and our level of hydration. For instance, it tends to be a deeper yellow first thing in the morning. It can also be a darker yellow if you’re doing hard physical labor or participating in physical exercise while not drinking enough water to maintain proper hydration.

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Common Causes of Hematuria

Virtually everyone is familiar with having to provide a urine specimen during routine health care checkups. Your doctor will perform several tests on your urine, including checks for sugar, bacteria and blood. Microscopic hematuria means that blood is present in your urine but it is only visible under  microscope. Most causes are not serious, but if tests finds blood,

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Urology Update

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