Urology Austin

Patients have similar questions regarding vasectomies.

Vasectomy Frequently Asked Questions

A vasectomy is a minimally invasive medical procedure. Prior to scheduling a vasectomy, a consultation is required. During this consultation, many important questions are discussed in detail. The vasectomy frequently asked questions, outlined below, are a sampling of several common concerns raised by couples.

Vasectomy frequently asked questions

Is a vasectomy really permanent?

Vasectomies should be considered a permanent birth control solution. As a result, both partners should be in full agreement before proceeding with a vasectomy. While a vasectomy reversal is possible, not every reversal will be successful. Several contraceptive options are available for couples who realize that a permanent option is not the best fit for their lifestyle.

How do I choose the right doctor? 

It is vital to feel comfortable and safe with the healthcare provider you choose. It is recommended that patients review their doctor’s level of experience and accreditation. Also, research the track record of the doctor to measure their success level with other patients. Learn more about choosing a urologist here.

Will I be put to sleep for this procedure?

A vasectomy is an in-office procedure that does not require general anesthesia. Instead, a local anesthesia will be administered to the surgery site. This ‘local’ will numb the area, but will not put the patient to sleep. Patients will be offered medication to help control anxiety and promote relaxation. If the patient chooses to take medication, it is recommended that they have a driver to take them home after the procedure.

How long is the procedure?

A vasectomy is a minor procedure that generally takes between 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

How long is recovery?

For most patients, a two to three day rest period will suffice.  After this, the pain level of individual patients will determine if additional rest is required. Both rest and mild physical activity are necessary to ensure that no complications occur. Applying ice to the scrotum will help relieve discomfort. Over-the-counter medications are recommended to control pain during the recovery period.  Carefully monitor the surgery site for any sign of redness, swelling, or infection.  The urologist will give each patient specific information about activity levels, lifting, when to shower, how long they should abstain from sexual activity, and how best to control any discomfort.

For those who do choose to undergo this procedure, these vasectomy frequently asked questions can aid in their preparation. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with one of our urologists, contact the Urology Austin location nearest you.

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Vasectomy questions