Urology Austin

Types of Kidney Stones and How they Differ from Other Conditions

There are many different types of kidney stones. These stones can result from a multitude of factors and vary in treatment. While these stones demonstrate common symptoms that often occur with different types of urinary problems, they are entirely different from those other conditions. To follow are a list of the symptoms of kidney stones, the types of stones, and an overview of how this condition differs from others.

The symptoms of kidney stones vary from the types of stones, but one common symptom is extreme pain. Other symptoms include hematuria, frequent urination, foul-smelling urine, difficulty urinating, a fever or chill if an infection is present, and more. These symptoms can often make a person believe that they have another condition. However, the pain experienced with kidney stones is very extreme and hard to mistake for something else. Kidney stones vary in type, as well.

Calcium Stones

These stones are the most common type and result from high levels of calcium oxate in the system. Oxate is a substance found in many foods. A person may run the risk of calcium stones if they have a diet high in chocolate, nuts, fruits and vegetables, or vitamin D.

Struvite Stones

These stones form as a result of an infection in the system.

Uric Acid Stones

These stones typically result from a person not drinking enough fluid or losing fluid quickly in their system. High-protein diets and gout can be contributing factors to these stones, as well.

Cystine Stones

These stones result when a person’s kidneys excrete too much of the amino acid cystine. This condition is known as cystinuria.


There are other types of kidney stones, but it is important to note that they are incredibly rare.

To detect any type of kidney stone, typically a blood test is administered. If the test reveals high oxate levels or uric acid levels, an overall diagnosis can be made. Ultrasounds and x-rays are used to detect kidney stones, as well.

In conclusion, kidney stones are not a joyous experience. They are incredibly painful and vary in type, size, and causes. Their symptoms are also similar to those experienced by people suffering from another condition.

For more information pertaining to kidney stones, contact us today.

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