Urology Austin

Male Pelvic Pain

Pelvic floor physical therapy addresses a host of health issues including male pelvic pain. This page will define male pelvic pain, how it is diagnosed, treated and how pelvic floor physical therapy can benefit this condition.

What is male pelvic pain?

Male pelvic pain may be located in the scrotum, perineum, anus, penis, urethra, bladder, prostate, around the pubic bone, or around the sits bones. It can be triggered by a number of activities including sitting, urinating, defecating, or ejaculating. Pain may be dull and diffuse or sharp and localized depending on the root of the problem.  There are a number of other symptoms that can accompany pelvic pain including difficulty urinating, urinary frequency, urinary urgency, painful urination, painful sex, and constipation.

Common conditions associated with pelvic pain

Pain diagnosis

In order to diagnose the root of a patient’s pelvic pain, urologists will take a medical history, symptoms history, and family health history as well as run a series diagnostic tests. A urinary analysis will determine if there is an active urinary tract infection or bacterial prostatitis. Patients may also undergo cystoscopy or CT scan to further at the recommendation of the urologist.

Treatment options

  • Medication
  • Suppository muscle relaxants and pain relievers
  • Pelvic floor physical therapy
  • Surgical options

How can pelvic floor physical therapy help with pelvic pain?

Pelvic floor muscles and the connective tissue that surrounds them can become tense and restricted as a result of pain and that tension can lead to more pain. Infections, prolonged sitting, injury, or stress may be the reason that the pain started in the first place, but pain can linger even after the infection or injury has healed. When the body senses pain, muscles brace to protect the area. This triggers a cycle of muscle tension and dysfunction that causes the pain to become chronic.

Pelvic floor physical therapy employs manual techniques, exercise programs, diet and activity modifications, and education to break the cycle of muscle tension and tissue restriction leading to pain leading to more tension. A technique called connective tissue manipulation releases connective tissue restrictions in areas surrounding the pelvis including abdominals, inner thighs, groin, buttock, and low back. Manual release of pelvic floor muscles and relaxation exercises can also help to alleviate muscle tension and associated pain. Exercises and stretches are prescribed by physical therapists to address muscle dysfunction and tightness. Lifestyle modifications such as adjusting daily activities, held positions, and diet help to address underlying causes and triggers of pelvic pain.

If you suffer with male pelvic pain and want to schedule a consult with one of our providers call (512) 610-5329 extension 4118.

The HIPPA-compliant text messaging line for scheduling appointments is (440) 703-6315.  We will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.

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