Urology Austin

Mona Lisa Benefits Female Cancer Patients

Mona Lisa Touch is a CO2 laser technology that helps with some of the common side effects women experience after conventional cancer treatments. This modality of vaginal rejuvenation is a great vaginal atrophy treatment option for women who have had breast cancer, or are continuing their fight, and cannot receive estrogen therapy.

Many survivors are surprised at the unfortunate, long-lasting side effects that chemo and radiation can have on their quality of life. Mona Lisa Touch can help breast cancer patients with the decline in their vaginal health and re-establish the intimate life they once had.

The Mona Lisa Touch delivers energy to the vaginal tissues which results in the body stimulating a healing response that helps to restore moisture, blood flow, collagen, and elastin in the tissue. Mona Lisa is typically done in a series of 3 treatments with 6-weeks in between each procedure. Additional treatments may be added to a series as needed. A single maintenance treatment is recommended every 6 to 12 months to maintain results achieved after the initial series is complete.

The treatment is about 5 to 7 minutes. The use of a compounded lidocaine cream that is applied 10 minutes prior, makes for a comfortable treatment. Patients can go about most normal daily activities immediately post-treatment, except for strenuous exercise and intercourse.

To learn more about Mona Lisa Touch, please feel free to contact our Women’s Wellness Manager, Tiffany Walther at 512-410-3828 or womenswellness@urologyaustin.com to receive information and set up a free consultation.

To honor Breast Cancer Awareness, all breast cancer patients are eligible for a 10% discount on all Mona Lisa Touch services booked in the month of October!

Written by Tiffany Walther, Woman’s Wellness Manager

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