Urology Austin

Low Testosterone diagnosis

Diagnosing Low T

Thousands of men struggle with many of the symptoms associated with Low Testosterone (Low T). Properly diagnosing Low T involves several steps including blood work, reviewing the patient’s current and past medical history, evaluating symptoms, conducting a physical exam, and eliminating other conditions.

Diagnosing Low T

When a patient comes to Urology Austin with symptoms of what may be Low T, physicians will order a testosterone blood test. This simply involves drawing blood intravenously from the arm. There is no preparation needed for this Low T test, including fasting. However, it is suggested that men have their blood drawn in the morning between 7 to 10 AM since this is when testosterone levels are at their peak. Normal testosterone levels range from 300 to 1200 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl).

Medical history and examination

Several of the symptoms associated with Low T can also be present with other medical conditions. Determining a proper diagnosis will include evaluating symptoms, but also reviewing the patient’s medical history and conducting a physical examination.

When visiting one of our providers, be prepared to answer these questions:

  • Are you currently ill or have you had any illnesses in the past?
  • Are there any hereditary diseases in your family’s history?
  • Have you been stressed lately?
  • Have you been having any sexual issues?
  • What prescription or over-the-counter medications are you taking?

The urologist will do an examination to check for physical symptoms of low testosterone or other conditions. This will include examining the testes and penis to check their size and to screen for unexplained lumps. The provider may also measure body fat to see if the patient is developing breasts. They will also check to see how much hair they have on their body and where it is located.

The urologist may decide to order additional tests, since low testosterone can cause anemia or a low blood count. It can also cause low bone density. As a precaution, the urologist may order a bone density test.

In a few cases, additional tests may be ordered:

  • CT or MRI scans to check for tumors in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
  • Genetic tests to check for conditions that may be causing Low T.

If you are interested in being evaluated for low testosterone, contact Urology Austin to schedule an appointment.

Related link

Low testosterone symptoms