Urology Austin

stress incontinence

What is stress incontinence?

Stress incontinence is just one of several types of urinary incontinence. This type of incontinence is triggered by a ‘stressor’ that increases abdominal pressure which prompts urinary leakage. Common stressors include laughing, coughing, sneezing, and physical exertion such as lifting. Obesity may also promote this incontinence due to excess weight bearing down on the bladder. In addition, athletic activities that produce a constant bouncing motion on the pelvis can lead to stress incontinence. These activities can include long-distance running, jogging, or basketball.

The source of this incontinence is often the weakness of  pelvic floor muscles. So for women, stress urinary incontinence may appear after childbirth or during menopause. Both age and gender are also factors in its development. Traditionally, women experience this urologic condition more often then men.

Evaluation of stress incontinence

When visiting a urologist, several steps will be taken to accurately diagnose incontinence.  A typical incontinence evaluation includes:

  • Reviewing the patient’s medical history.
  • Evaluation of current medications.
  • A physical examination.
  • Urinalysis and urine culture to test for bacteria or infection.
  • Post Void Residual testing to monitor if urine remains in the bladder after voiding.
  • Urodynamics testing is used to evaluate how the bladder fills and empties.
  • Cystoscopy uses a small scope to look inside the bladder and to view the urethra.
  • A voiding diary is kept by the patient to log fluid intake and urine output throughout the day and night.

Treatment options

Fortunately, this is a treatable condition. Treatment options include:

  • Medications.
  • Behavior and diet modifications.
  • Weight loss.
  • Exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles (Kegel exercises).
  • Minimally-invasive outpatient surgery (urethral sling).

Stress urinary incontinence is quite common and generally treated with high success rates. If you are experiencing urinary leakage, contact Urology Austin to schedule an appointment with one of our providers.

Dr. Rachel Sosland, Board Certified Urologist at Urology Austin, is interviewed by KXAN TV about common urological conditions that effect millions of Americans. Dr. Sosland discusses the symptoms and treatment options for urinary incontinence (stress incontinence), overactive bladder and urinary retention. She also talks about third-line therapies such as botox injections, InterStim Sacral Nerve Stimulation, and Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS).


Bladder Control Webinar

Dr. Rachel Sosland, Urologist with Urology Austin, presents a webinar titled “Live Without Limits – Understanding Treatments for Bladder Control”. This webinar covers the diagnosis and treatment options for overactive bladder, stress incontinence and urinary retention. This webinar was co-hosted by Medtronic on May 10, 2022.


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Urinary Incontinence